Bank Reconciliation Statement

Bank Reconciliation

Have you ever balanced your checkbook? Why did you do that? Was it to make sure that you didn't make any mistakes when you were adding deposits or subtracting expenses? I bet it was because you wanted to make sure that your balance in your checkbook was the same as the balance in the bank, right? Everything that we just talked about refers to what we in accounting commonly call doing a bank reconciliation. A bank reconciliation is the balancing of a company's cash account balance to its bank account balance.

Need for Reconciliation
It is generally experienced that when a comparison is made between the bank balance as shown in the firm’s cash book, the two balances do not tally.Hence, we have to first ascertain the causes of difference thereof and then reflect them in a statement called Bank Reconciliation Statement to reconcile (tally) the two balances. In order to prepare a bank reconciliation statement we need to have a bank balance as per the cash book and a bank statement as on a particular day along with details of both the books. If the two balances differ, the entries in both the books are compared and the items on account of which the difference has arisen are ascertained with the respective amounts involved so
that the bank reconciliation statement may be prepared..
Reconciliation of the cash book and the bank passbook balances amounts to an explanation of differences between them. The differences between the cash book and the bank passbook is caused by:

  1.          timing differences on recording of the transactions
  2.     errors made by the business or by the bank.

       Timing Differences

When a business compares the balance of its cash book with the balance shown by the bank passbook, there is often a difference, which is caused by the time gap in recording the transactions relating either to payments or receipts. The factors affecting time gap includes  :

1(a) Cheques issued by the bank but not yet presented for   payment
When cheques are issued by the firm to suppliers or creditors of the firm, these are immediately entered on the credit side of the cash book. However, the receiving party may not present the cheque to the bank for payment immediately. The bank will debit the firm’s account only when these cheques are actually paid by the bank. Hence, there is a time lag between the issue of a cheque and its presentation to the bank which may cause the difference between the two balances.

1(b) Cheques paid into the bank but not yet   collected
When firm receives cheques from its customers (debtors), they are immediately recorded in the debit side of the cash book. This increases the bank balance as per the cash book. However, the bank credits the customer account only when the amount of cheques are actually realised. The clearing of cheques generally takes few days especially in case of outstation cheques or when the cheques are paid-in at a bank branch other than the one at which the account of the firm is maintained. This leads to a cause of difference between the bank balance shown by the cash book and the balance shown by the bank  passbook.

1(c) Direct debits made by the bank on behalf of the   customer
Sometimes, the bank deducts amount for various services from the account without the firm’s knowledge. The firm comes to know about it only when the bank statement arrives. Examples of such deductions include: cheque collection charges, incidental charges, interest on overdraft, unpaid cheques deducted by the bank – i.e. stopped or bounced, etc. As a result, the balance as per passbook will be less than the balance as per cash   book.

1(d) Amounts directly deposited in the bank account
There are instances when debtors(customers) directly deposits money into firm’s bank account. But, the firm does not receive the intimation from any source till it receives the bank statement. In this case, the bank records the receipts in the firm’s account at the bank but the same is not recorded in the firm’s cash book. As a result, the balance shown in the bank passbook will be more than the balance shown in the firm’s cash book.

1(e) Interest and dividends collected by the bank
When the bank collects interest and dividend on behalf of the customer, then these are immediately credited to the customers account. But the firm will know about these transactions and record the same in the cash book only when it receives a bank statement. Till then the balances as per the cash book and passbook will differ.

1(f) Direct payments made by the bank on behalf of the  customers
Sometimes the customers give standing instructions to the bank to make some payment regularly on stated days to the third parties. For example, telephone bills, insurance premium, rent, taxes, etc. are directly paid by the bank on behalf of the customer and debited to the account. As a result, the balance as per the bank passbook would be less than the one shown in the cash book.

1(g) Cheques deposited/bills discounted dishonoured
If a cheque deposited by the firm is dishonoured or a bill of exchange drawn by the business firm is discounted with the bank is dishonoured on the date of maturity, the same is debited to customer’s account by the bank. As this information is not available to the firm immediately, there will be no entry in the firm’s cash book regarding the above items. This will be known to the firm when it receives a statement from the bank. As a result, the balance as per the passbook would be less than the cash book balance.

 Differences Caused by Errors
Sometimes the difference between the two balances may be accounted for by an error on the part of the bank or an error in the cash book of the business. This causes difference between the bank balance shown by the cash book and the balance shown by the bank statement.

2(a) Errors committed in recording transaction by the firm
Omission or wrong recording of transactions relating to cheques issued, cheques deposited and wrong totalling, etc. committed by the firm while recording entries in the cash book cause difference between cash book and passbook balance.

2(b) Errors committed in recording transactions by the bank

Omission or wrong recording of transactions relating to cheques deposited and wrong totalling, etc. committed by the bank while posting entries in the passbook also cause differences between passbook and cash book balance.

  Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement without adjusting Cash Book Balance

To prepare bank reconciliation statement, under this approach, the balance as per cash book or as per passbook is the starting item. The debit balance as per the cash book means the balance of deposits held at the bank. Such a balance will be a credit balance as per the passbook. Such a balance exists when the deposits made by the firm are more than its withdrawals. It indicates the favourable balance as per cash book or favourable balance as per the passbook. On the other hand, the credit balance as per the cash book indicates bank overdraft. In other words, the excess amount withdrawn over the amount deposited in the bank. It is also known as unfavourable balance as per cash book or unfavourable balance as per passbook.

 We may have four different situations while preparing the bank reconciliation statement. These are :
1.        When debit balance (favourable balance) as per cash book is given and the balance as per passbook is to be ascertained.
2.        When credit balance (favourable balance) as per passbook is given and the balance as per cash book is to be ascertained.
3.        When credit balance as per cash book (unfavourable balance/overdraft balance) is given and the balance as per passbook is to ascertained.
4.        When debit balance as per passbook (unfavourable balance/overdraft balance) is given and the cash book balance as per is to ascertained.
 .1(a) Dealing with favourable balances
The following steps may be initiated to prepare the bank reconciliation statement:
(i)     The date on which the statement is prepared is written at the top, as part of the heading.
(ii)     The first item in the statement is generally the balance as shown by the cash book. Alternatively, the starting point can also be the balance as per passbook.
(iii)     The cheques deposited but not yet collected are deducted.
(iv)     All the cheques issued but not yet presented for payment, amounts directly deposited in the bank account are added.
(v)     All the items of charges such as interest on overdraft, payment by bank on standing instructions and debited by the bank in the passbook but not entered in cash book, bills and cheques dishonoured etc. are deducted.
(vi)     All the credits given by the bank such as interest on dividends collected, etc. and direct deposits in the bank are added.
(vii)     Adjustment for errors are made according to the principles of rectification of errors. 
(viii)    Now the net balance shown by the statement should be same as shown by the passbook.
It may be noted that treatment of all items shall be the reverse of the above if we adjust passbook balance as the starting point.
1(b) Dealing with overdrafts
So far we have dealt with bank reconciliation statement where bank balances has been positive i.e., there has been money in the bank account. However, businesses sometimes have overdrafts at the bank. Overdrafts are where the bank account becomes negative and the businesses in effect have borrowed from the bank. This is shown in the cash book as a credit balance. In the bank statement, where the balance is followed by Dr. (or sometimes OD) means that there is an overdraft and called debit balance as per passbook.
An overdraft is treated as negative figure on a bank reconciliation statement. 
 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement with Adjusted Cash Book
When we look at the various items that normally cause the difference between the passbook balance and the cash book balance, we find a number of items, which appear only in the passbook. Why not first record such items in the cash book to work out the adjusted balance (also known as amended balance) of the cash book and then prepare the bank reconciliation statement. This shall reduce the number of items responsible for the difference and have the correct figure of balance at bank in the balance sheet. In fact, this is exactly what is done in practice whereby only those items which cause the difference on account of the time gap in recording appear in bank reconciliation statement. These are as (i) cheques issued but not yet presented, (ii) cheques deposited but not yet collected, and (iii) due to an error in the passbook. 


Company A's bank statement dated Dec 31, 2011 shows a balance of 24,594.72. The company's cash records on the same date show a balance of 23,196.79. Following additional information is available:
  1. Following checks issued by the company to its customers are still outstanding:
    No. 846 issued on Nov 29320.00
    No. 875 issued on Dec 2649.21
    No. 878 issued on Dec 29275.00
    No. 881 issued on Dec 31186.50
  2. A deposit of 400.00 made on Dec 31 does not appear on bank statement.
  3. An NSF check of 850 was returned by the bank with the bank statement.
  4. The bank charged 50 as service fee.
  5. Interest income earned on the company's average cash balance at bank was 1,237.22.
  6. The bank collected a note receivable on behalf of the company. Amount received by the bank on the note was $550. This includes 50 interest income. The bank charged a collection fee of 10.
  7. A deposit of  430 was incorrectly entered as 340 in the company's cash records.
Prepare a bank reconciliation statement using the above information.
Company A
Bank Reconciliation
December 31, 2011
Balance as per Bank, Dec 3124,594.72
Add: Deposit in Transit400.00
Less: Outstanding Checks:
No. 846 issued on Nov 29320.00
No. 875 issued on Dec 2649.21
No. 878 issued on Dec 29275.00
No. 881 issued on Dec 31186.50
Adjusted Bank Balance24,164.01
Balance as per Books, Dec 31$23,196.79
Interest Income from Bank1,237.22
Note Receivable Collected by Bank500.00
Interest Income from Note Receivable50.00
Deposit Understated90.00
NSF Check850.00
Bank Service Fee50.00
Bank Collection Fee10.00
Adjusted Book Balance24,164.01


  1. Account reconciliations are likely to be performed regularly, regardless of the size of your firm. Automation solutions can help to simplify this critical procedure.


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